Friday, March 20, 2009

UConn wins either way

The way I see it, UConn wins even if they lose.

UConn President Michael Hogan sent President Obama a letter today. In it, he expressed disappointment. Obama chose Memphis to win the men's NCAA basketball Final Four -- not UConn.

"I have to doubt your judgment in this matter," Hogan wrote. I bet that's not the last time Obama will have someone questioning him.

Anyway, Hogan challenged the president. If Obama is right and Memphis wins, UConn's Conn Men, an a cappella group, will go to the White House to sing Memphis' fight song and and its rendition of "Hail to the Chief. If UConn wins, the president will be UConn's May 2010 commencement speaker and will accept an honorary degree from the university.

Apparently, UConn hasn't heard from Obama yet.

As a graduate of UConn, I hope the Huskies win it all. But if they don't, the university wins either way if Obama accepts Hogan's challenge. The UConn name will take center stage regardless of whether the men's team wins a trophy.


Carm said...

obama picked unc to win the championship...

Amanda Falcone said...

You are right. I guess I got one game ahead of myself. It should be that he chose Memphis in the Final Four.