Saturday, March 21, 2009

Did you know Sam Caligiuri...

- is the son of immigrants. His father came to the United States from Italy and his mother came from Canada.

- talks to his mom every morning while driving to work.

- met his wife, Lori, at the state Capitol in the 1990s. Lori was an aide to Republican Mark Nielsen, a former state representative and state senator. Sam worked for former Gov. John Rowland.

- has a 5-year-old daughter, Grace, who spends some of her time writing speeches. Politician in the making?

- has always considered his faith very important to him.

- was seven when U.S. Sen. Christopher Dodd, D-Conn., started out as a congressman.

- has a framed map of Southington in his Capitol office. U.S. Rep. Christoher Murphy, D-Conn., gave it to him with a note. Caligiuri succeeded Murphy in the state Senate, and when Caligiuri leaves office, he intends to leave the map for his successor.

- is a history buff. He loves going to historical places. He and his wife went to colonial Williamsburg on their honeymoon.

- likes to hike and spend time with his family.

- ran the Hartford Marathon in 2005. He has also run half marathons and other road races. His goal is to complete a mini-triathlon.

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