Saturday, May 9, 2009

Bet you didn't know...

- that the General Assembly's four caucuses each get money from the state budget each fiscal year. House Democrats, the largest caucus, gets just over $5 million, while the House Republicans get $2.8 million. Senate Democrats get $4.8 million, and Senate Republicans have a budget of $2.9 million.

- that the money is appropriated through the Office of Legislative Management. The caucus leaders, however, get to decide how to spend it. (If you are keeping track, those leaders are: House Speaker Chris Donovan, House Minority Leader Larry Cafero, Senate President Pro Tem Don Williams Jr. and Senate Minority Leader John McKinney.)

- that some of that money is used to feed lawmakers when the legislature is in session.

To learn more about lawmakers, food and taxpayer money, read Sunday's Record-Journal.


Anonymous said...

Atta girl Amanda,no I did not know, probaly most of voting public didn't know either.I think it's about time they learn how to brown bag like the rest of us.That's 15.5 million dollars of tax money they devour.Bet the money is very greasy.

Anonymous said...

Yo, you go girl! Thanks for exposing all the "hidden perks" of our elcted officials. One can easily see that there is no such thing as "public service" but rather "fill my pocket" with taxpayer money. Keep up the great work, Amanda - and don't let up on Donovan and Gaffey, either.