Monday, October 13, 2008

Take note of report on Palin

I can't help but notice that few people are talking about the Alaska report that came out recently about Gov. Sarah Palin.

For those who don't know, an independent legislative investigation recently concluded that Palin violated ethics laws and abused her power as governor when she pressed to have her former brother-in-law fired as a state trooper. The matter went all the way to the Alaska Supreme Court.

I think this is a big deal, especially since she is running for vice president. Afterall, she is portraying herself as someone who is trying to do the right thing -- a reformer.

Even if she wasn't in the national spotlight, I think it would still be a big deal. Being governor is a high-profile position and that person is expected to follow the rules.

For example, think about the hype concerning ethics laws and the position of governor in Connecticut recently. Remember the fundraiser lists and invitations that caused a stir? Like Palin, Gov. M. Jodi Rell paints herself as a reformer, and Connecticut does not waste any time in pointing out where she, or her staff, has gone wrong.

If Connecticut is going to talk about ethics when it comes to Rell and former Gov. John Rowland, it should also be talking about Palin and this new report.

We now have less than a month until Election Day, and voters need the most information they can get about candidates -- especially this year.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Please be advised that Senator Les Fasano is AGAINST whistleblower protection laws for State of CT Employees. State of CT employees WANT to do their jobs but HAVE to look the other way because if we speak out, we will be RETALIATED against, loose our jobs and benefits, be blacklisted from working in our professions and end up penniless and homeless into SILENCE. Please DO NOT VOTE FOR LES FASANO, he is a proponent for State of CT Agency Corruption.