Monday, April 20, 2009

Activity on Capitol Avenue

When I pulled out of the Capitol parking lot today, about 50 people lined Capitol Avenue cheering, yelling and waving signs. The group was trying to get support for a bill being considered by the legislature -- the one that would legalize small amounts of marijuana.

As I waited at the stop light, someone was yelling to call Gov. Rell. Another was holding a sign that read, "help keep me out of jail." They had a message and they picked April 20, the unofficial national pot smoking day, to share it with the public.

Did this display help their cause? Should small amounts of marijuana be legalized?


JTS said...

Marijuana ought to be legalized. I support the baby step of decriminalizing small quantities of pot in the meanwhile. The repercussions from arrest and conviction far outweigh the "harm" of using marijuana for recreation. Alcohol, tobacco, and gambling are far worse to society yet the state treats them as as public health issue not a law enforcement problem.

Anonymous said...

Marijuana should not be legalized in any amount, any shape, any form, or for any reason.

JTS said...

The prohibition of marijuana is an unmitigated failure that wastes lives and money. Your solution is worse than the "problem" it alleges to solve.

Anonymous said...

You must be a marijuana smoker. I don't know what "repercussions from arrest and conviction" you are talking about and how they can "outweigh the harm" of using it for recreation. If marijuana is legalized in its smallest form, there will be cries to totally make it legal.
Also, I did not suggest a solution---I merely stated my opinion. Marijuana is illegal and should continue to be such. The only problem is with liberals who want to make it legal.

JTS said...

I will not rise to the troll bait,
I will not rise to the troll bait,
I will not rise to the troll bait...
