Friday, February 20, 2009

Wallingford, mark your calendars

Sen. Len Fasano, R-Wallingford, and Rep. Vincent Candelora, R-North Branford, will be in town Feb. 26 to talk about the current state budget. That's a Thursday night, and the fun begins at 6:30 p.m. at the Wallingford Public Library.

The event is open to the public, and there will be a presentation prior to open discussion.

It is important to note that the General Assembly is expected to take up the governor's most-recent $1.1 billion deficit mitigation package Feb. 25 -- the day before the Republicans are in Wallingford. Presumably, Fasano and Candelora can fill you in on all the details of a mitigation bill if one is passed.

Today, the governor says the latest Office of Policy and Management estimates for this fiscal year show that the state's deficit has increased to $944 million.


Anonymous said...

Amanda I have a [2]questions for you? Is this a good time for us to ask what is the total paycheck for our representatives in State public service,and what is the total pay services we pay for all there constituents who supposedly work for them.Some of the numbers I have seen,seem to be ridiculous.

Amanda Falcone said...

Those are very good questions. I can't speak for Len or Vincent, but the press release I got about the Wallingford event said there will be time for public comment and that the event will focus on the budget. I'd say that paycheck questions are fair game. The state budget covers many, many different things, and it is a broad topic. As for your second question, I, personally, do not have the salaries for legislative workers. I'll keep that idea in mind, and maybe that would be another topic to mention to the Republican lawmakers when you go to the event!