Monday, November 3, 2008

Pay attention to all political races

The secretary of the state's office is reporting a record number of registered voters in Connecticut. Susan Bysiewicz says the state has more than 2.09 million voters.

Furthermore, she is saying that since Jan. 1, more than 134,000 people have registered to vote.

It is nice to see that people are choosing to register to vote, but it remains to be seen whether they will actually go to the polls tomorrow.

I know there is a lot of hype surrounding this year's presidential race, but will Connecticut residents flock to the polls, or will they just be names on voter registration lists?

Also, are voters only paying attention to the presidential race, or are they also taking note of the state House and Senate races?

It is refreshing to see people registering to vote, but I hope that people care about more than just who will be the next president. State and local elections are important too. Local, state and federal governments work together and that symbiotic relationship should not be ignored.

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